1. Booking conditions
- Schools are required to book in advance.
- School discount rates only apply to schools that have booked in advance.
- Discount coupons, such as the Museumkaart, cannot be combined with school packages.
- The educational program can be booked Tuesday to Friday from 09:30 - 11:15, 11:45 - 13:30 or 14:00 - 15:45 hours
- The educational program cannot be booked during school holidays or weekends. A visit without the educational program is always possible during our regular opening hours.
- You can alter the number of students up to one week in advance.
2. Payment
- Payment can be made on the day itself via debit card or credit card. An invoice can also be sent before your visit. If you prefer payment by invoice, please indicate in advance. When invoicing, invoice details and the email address of your financial administration must be provided. It is not possible to get a refund if you come with fewer visitors.
- The payment term is 14 days.
3. Cancellation conditions
- Cancellations must be made by e-mail: reserveringen@space-expo.nl.
- You can cancel up to two weeks prior to your visit. If you cancel at a later stage, we will charge 50% of your reservation.
4. Cloakroom
Large lockers will be set up for schools. The group supervisor is responsible for looking after the key during the visit.
5. Supervision and responsibility
- When students visit Space Expo, the school is obliged to provide supervision: one supervisor per ten students.
- When higher education students visit Space Expo, the school is required to provide supervision: one supervisor per twenty students.
- Parents / guardians, teachers or other supervisors are responsible for and accountable for the behaviour of minors under their supervision at all times.
- Touching exhibits is strictly forbidden, unless indicated otherwise; supervisors must ensure objects on display are not touched by the minor(s) they are accompanying.
- Hindering other visitors by causing nuisance (such as excessive noise) is prohibited.
- The maximum number of people per reservation is 60. Groups can be split in two.
6. Presence
- Groups must be present at least 15 minutes before the program starts. In the event of a delay, you need to contact the Reservations & Events department: +31 (0)71 - 200 1400.
- If the group arrives late, it will be decided in consultation whether the program can still be partially executed.
7. Food
- Eating is not permitted in the exhibition space.