Primary schools

Take your class to space!

Come to Noordwijk with your class and discover the secrets of space and space travel. We have developed fun and educational programmes especially for you. At Space Expo, students go on a journey of discovery through space and space travel. Our programmes are particularly suitable for primary education (age 7 - 12). The programmes are interactive, this way the world of space travel comes to life even more.

Are you interested in one of our programmes? Click the button below!

Primary school (age 7 - 10) - How do you become an astronaut?

In this programme, students discover what it feels like to be an astronaut. What skills and characteristics are important in space? And what is it like to live and work on the ISS, the International Space Station? The programme consists of a space lesson and an interactive tour. The total programme lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Spaceclass: How do you become an astronaut? (45 min)

In Space Expo's Astronaut Room, students delve deeper into the fascinating world of astronauts. Together with an experienced and enthusiastic guide, they themselves get to work on the most important themes from an astronaut training: working together, doing experiments and staying fit, even when you float! There is also room for curious questions, such as: how do you actually go to the toilet "up there"?

Break (15 min)

Between the two parts of the programme, the students have a 15-minute break to eat or get some fresh air in the playground.

Interactive guided tour (45 min)

The guide takes the students into the museum. Now they can enter the ISS themselves, marvel at the Soyuz capsule on which André Kuipers travelled to the ISS and touch a real iron meteorite. There is so much to discover!

Primary school (age 10 - 12) - Space Explorers: discover space and Earth through space travel

This new programme introduces pupils to the magic of space travel and the beauty of our Earth. The aim of the programme is to teach children how space exploration contributes to life on Earth, especially around sustainability. Like real Space Explorers, the students go on a voyage of discovery through the universe on an interactive tour of the Space Expo exhibition. In the Earth Workshop, led by our experienced and enthusiastic guide, pupils get to work themselves with images from space of our planet. By experimenting themselves, they learn more about our planet Earth and life around us. Space exploration allows you to discover the earth and space. Core elements are: gaining inspiration, experiential learning, STEM education, 21st century skills. Suitable for space and earth fans.

The programme consists of a workshop and an interactive guided tour. The total programme lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Earth workshop (45 min)

After a short introduction in the form of a class discussion, the students explore the conditions for life on a planet. They then get to work themselves with fun hands-on exercises.

Break: Playground (15 min)

Between the two parts of the programme, the students have a 15-minute break to eat or get some fresh air in the playground.

Interactive guided tour (45 min)

The guide takes the students on a journey of discovery in the museum. The workshop focuses on Earth, during the tour we focus on space. Here, students can enter the ISS themselves, marvel at the Soyuz capsule on which André Kuipers travelled to the ISS and touch a real iron meteorite. There is so much to discover and the interaction with the guide encourages pupils to think about their own place in the universe.


Are you interested in one of our programmes? Fill out the application form!

Time slots

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:

  • Block 1: 09:30 - 11:15 hours
  • Block 2: 11:45  - 13:30 hours
  • Block 3: 14:00 - 15:45 hours

Schoolbookings are not possible on Mondays, during schoolholidays and on weekends.

Terms & conditions

  • Space Expo has reduced rates for education (for students and their supervisors): the costs are 13 euros per person.
  • The Museumkaart is not valid for school visits.
  • A maximum of 60 and a minimum of 20 students per booking.
  • The group is split in two when there are more than 30 students.
  • Schools must book in advance.
  • Groups bring sufficient guidance: 1 supervisor for every 10 students.
  • We ask you to be present 15 minutes in advance.


Do you have questions about any of our programmes or the application form? E-mail us at for more information.